San Diego Vacation Rentals

on Thursday 1 March 2012

San Diego is a popular vacation destination for travelers around the world.  The most popular reason to vacation in San Diego is the beach!  Mission Beach, California has one of the largest sandy beaches in Southern California.  Mission Beach is a small peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and Mission Bay. Consisting of about 40 blocks, most of which are only one-house in width.  The peninsula has a Boardwalk that runs along the ocean from the Crystal Pier to the Jetty, about 2.5 miles long, and then a sidewalk that runs along Mission Bay, and extends for over 15 miles of bay front, surrounding Mission Bay.  The little walking streets called “courts” run between the Boardwalk and the Bay front, and allow people to easily walk from the ocean to bay. 

San Diego’s vacation rental market is quite substantial, as property owners are permitted to rent their houses and condos throughout the county.  However, no other area has quite the number of vacation condos as Mission Beach.  There are many vacation rentals in San Diego, but one might estimate that half of the San Diego vacation rentals are in Mission Beach, or Pacific Beach.  The access to the ocean is unparalleled.  Even in other beach towns around the U.S., there are no other beach communities with small condo complexes right on the beach like Mission Beach. 

Renting a San Diego vacation rental is relatively easy.  Mission Vacation offers an easy online reservation system, where consumers can book and pay online.    If you are interested in a San Diego vacation rental, you should consider whether you want to be on the beach or ocean.  The two zones are only a couple hundred feet apart, but the environmental differences are significant.  For example, if you have small children, you may want to be on the calm side, where the bay has no waves and the wind is light.  If your kids are teenagers, they will want to be out on body boards, or riding bikes on the Boardwalk.  For the older kids, the ocean front is the right spot. 

Be careful about renting on the 4th of July!  The peninsula is generally calm, but on the 4th of July, it can be quite a party.  Renters should not be upset if they can’t get to sleep early on this particular night.  However, the party scene has died down substantially over the past five years because of the ban on alcohol on the beach.  You can’t smoke or drink on the beach.  This makes it more important to consider the location of your condo.  If you want to drink a glass of wine while you watch the sunset, be sure you have an ocean front condo.